
These tickets are only available while we are selecting our speakers. Prices will go up once our schedule has been confirmed.


These tickets are only available while we are selecting our speakers. Prices will go up once our schedule has been confirmed.


These tickets are only available while we are selecting our speakers. Prices will go up once our schedule has been confirmed.


1 for $550 each, 2–4 for $500 each, 5 or more for $400 each

Attend any of the sessions via a live stream. You will have access to ask questions of the speaker live through Discord.

You will also get access to all of the recordings after the conference when they are available.


Or click here to purchase

Need Special Pricing?

We understand that everyone's situation is different, and we strive to make our conference accessible to as many people as possible. If you require special pricing to attend, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're more than happy to discuss your individual circumstances and work towards a solution that enables your participation.

Please email us at with the subject line "Special Pricing Request." Our team will get back to you promptly to assist with your registration.