Need Help Convincing Your Boss?

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Need a little help persuading a manager to let you attend PHP Tek? We’ve seen similar templates like this for other conferences and thought it could be useful.

Dear _(amazing boss)_,

I’d like to kindly ask for your approval to attend PHP Tek 2025 (, which will take place in Chicago on May 20-22, 2025

PHP Tek has been running for 16 years and only stopped during the pandemic. Unlike big-scale conferences, which often have subpar sessions and a lot of time is lost moving from one huge hall to another, PHP Tek is quite small (200-400 people) and hence very focused and well-curated. They’ve been known for a strong commitment to very practical sessions and attention to today’s best practices.

Advantages for our company

The learnings from three conference days will help our company to:

My personal advantages

I sincerely appreciate the opportunities to grow as a professional in our company, and I’m very excited about this conference because:

Summary of costs (Conference only)

Item Expense
Conference fee (Early Bird Pricing) $600
Hotel / AirBnB $700 (for 4 nights)
Flight $300-$600
Ground Transportation Free (shuttle to/from the airport)
Food $100 (lunch provided by PHP Tek)
Total Appox: $1,700 - $2,000

On a personal note, I’ve been following PHP Architect for years now. The monthly magazine they release has been around for more than 20 years, and it’s been my trusted source for cutting-edge development practices that helped me grow as a professional in the industry. I feel confident that I’ll bring back a ton of useful notes and takeaways for the team, and I’m looking forward to improving our efficiency and reducing unnecessary costs. The conference also provides slides and videos of presentations that we could use internally as well.

I’d appreciate you considering my letter, and I hope you have a moment to take a look at the website — — and the overview of topics covered there. I couldn’t be more excited to attend this one, and I’m quite certain that it’s a good investment in training for our entire company.

Thank you for your time.

— Yours truly __(your name)__,
an employee, passionate about learning and improving our work.